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In many similar ways that education is an art, leading others is also. Whereas educating others is a specific craft that is often associated to a handful of professions, leading others crosses nearly all professions. The Leadership Seminar (EDD 9100) was a journey through the many facets of leaders and leadership. Leaders exist in any number of forms from transactional or transformational to charismatic or systematic (Bass, 1990); however, the most effective leaders integrate many necessary attributes to form holistic leadership.

Leadership is a broad topic of discussion and is no narrower when it comes to describing the actions of a holistic leader. In an attempt to do so, the following actions were identified as necessary for effective leaders: (a) leading teams, (b) coaching others, (c) following a strategic vision, (d) setting goals, (e) managing others, and (f) time management (Clawson, J., 2006; Kouzes, J. & Posner, B., 2002). Each of these six actions is an art in and of itself with multitudes of research done on each.

Although every effective leader should be skilled at the six previously mentioned actions, the way in which each leader demonstrates holistic leadership is, according to Clawson (2006), based on the person’s “values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations (VABEs)” (p. 100). These VABEs are the basis for the leader’s style, or technique. This, in turn, determines the leader’s effectiveness. Should the leader’s VABEs not be aligned with those he or she is leading or with a widely adopted strategy, mission, or vision, then the opportunity exists that the leader may not see progress or positive results.

Of all the topics related to leadership, leading followers through change is the competency that aligns best with my VABEs. Clawson (2006) begins his discussion about leading change with the statement that “leadership is nothing if not about change” (p. 270). This really does make sense because society, particularly during the information age, is changing constantly. Because of this changing society, it is fairly safe to predict that each person and every organization will encounter something that disrupts the status quo. How each person or organization reacts depends on the VABEs that define the person or organization. An effective leader can not only lead the specific change, but can also prepare for future change by influencing these VABEs by setting the stage that change is imminent, thus forming a flexible organization.


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EDD 9100 Course Reflection | EDD 9100 Coursework

The information on this page represents that of Robert Daumer.
Robert Daumer takes full responsibility for the information presented.
This page last updated: December 15, 2006